Decking is something that will automatically give your garden that little bit of class. This is not only a great material in contrast to your grass, but it is also good for pebble dashing and making everything look a lot neater.
But one of the occupational hazards of having decking near grass is the fact that it likes to grow up in between the cracks. You might think that grass is relatively harmless, but the fact is that the moisture that can build up under this decking can really start to erode the base of your wooden deck.
So how exactly can you stop grass from growing underneath your decking and damaging it? How can you remove overgrown grass in a really effective manner? Can you use tarp to get rid of any grass? How long will it take you to completely eradicate any grass from your area?
Well, we’ll give you the answer to all these questions and a whole lot more. This article will talk about the best way to lay decking on your grass as well as the best method of removing this grass once it has found its way in between the cracks of your decking.
Why Is Grass Bad For Decking?
The main reason that grass and decking don’t get on is that grass, when produced in enough volume, emits a lot of moisture. This moisture can slowly cause the wood of your decking to erode over time.
Grass also attracts a considerable amount of insects, which will ultimately result in insect damage to your decking. Insects tend to burrow into the deepest portions of your decking, resulting in holes that will overall compromise the integrity of your decking, as it might collapse over years of being chewed through.
Another reason that grass is bad for decking is purely aesthetic – weeds and grass sticking up through the decking simply look very untidy. Luckily, you can get rid of grass in several ways, some of which we will tell you about right now.
Tips For Preventing Grass From Growing Under Decking
There are many different methods of removing grass from your decking, some of them requiring more manual labor than others. Here are some of the best methods of getting rid of some of this pesky grass:
- You can manually remove those weeds – even though it might be time-consuming and difficult if there is enough room between the decking, then you’ll easily be able to remove them. However, if some of the gaps are harder to reach, we would recommend using a garden rake or long pole to remove them.
- Using Landscaping Gravel and Tarp – You’ll have to dig an inch or two into the target area, after which you should place a cover over the grass growing under your decking. Once you have put the plastic sheeting over your area, then you can be sure that there will be no weeds growing through. Covering your tarp with gravel will avoid water pooling, allowing it to drain through properly. You can also use wood chips and sand to help the water drain through.
- Herbicides – if you are having trouble reaching through the sides of your decking, then you can also spray herbicides through the cracks. You should try and get herbicides that contain Glyphosates, as this will prevent your plants from producing essential proteins.
- Use Your Own Natural Herbicides – Mix vinegar, salt and liquid dish salt. The combination of these things will help you to kill your weeds easily and prevent them from growing even further. If you notice the weeds growing back, simply reapply the herbicide. Keep your herbicides in a spray bottle for ease of spraying.
Sadly, none of these solutions are permanent for your weeds and grass. You should make sure that you are checking your garden regularly. You will always have to maintain your garden to avoid things getting a little too wild.
How Can You Lay Decking On Grass?
First off, you’ll need to measure the area of your decking before you lay your boards out. You’ll also need to be sure that there are gaps in between the decking to be sure that the rainwater runs through it. You’ll also want to check that there is enough room between the decking to be sure that the wood can expand in the rain.
We would recommend leaving a 3mm gap between all the boards of your decking. This way you can be sure that they’ll be able to expand during the wetter weather and the water will be able to run through the gaps.
You’ll also need to make sure that there is enough space underneath the flooring so that you can get to the weeds and grass underneath. Having your decking too close to the floor will make it much harder to get under and spray.
Choosing The Position Of Your Outdoor Decking
You’ll need to make sure that your decking is completely level before you lay it down. If your decking isn’t level, then it will be a lot more difficult to install things like a hot tub or to have your furniture not fall over during a very heavy wind.
You’ll also want to consider the position of the sun in the sky, as this will also affect the natural ambiance of your decking area. If your sun is shining directly onto your decking, you might also want to invest in a sunscreen umbrella to make sure that you and your guests aren’t squinting the entire time.
You can also work around any trees in your garden. Having decking that surrounds a tree might be a nice little feature that a lot of your neighbors won’t have.